I wish all manner of things sublime and good for you. This is a world that currently feels quite broken. Leonard Cohen said and sang it best:
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
I forgot that last year this had come to me, and without looking back, (it’s effective to not dig up but let go, and move forward) I found myself humming this under my breath today. I remembered I’d named this. But I think part of the genius of Mr. Cohen is that his words proliferate the heart, they illuminate and they stick around.
So as we merge through the threshold of the Spring Equinox, I leave you with this gentle prompt: What in your heart needs illumination? Further, what are the obstacles to that illumination? Can you forget the perfect offering? The thing about the choicest of words here is “perfect.” I find that cultural wounding, colonization, imperialism, patriarchy, Earth disconnection and more have us all struggling for perfection, and in that are the intergenerational harms that come from the unwell dead, placed heavily upon our crowns to do better, succeed more, be more productive, more, and more and more. What if…
We pay attention to what we acquiesce to unknowingly, perhaps consenting by being pressured as well, what if we don’t consent by complacency, even if our ancestors did that, and what if the world is broken, what then, what emerges from the cracks?
Fortitude is the word that came to mind, liberation is the movement that dances in, and progress often comes in the face of compelling times. We all need this courage right now, what lies in the cracks also has a heart that is worthy of illumination.
offerings: (with a small o. wink)
Tomorrow starts the course, Forces of Nature. Enrollment will stay open for another week so it is not too late to join. Forces of Nature is an in-depth course on meeting helping spirits, learning how to propitiate them by learning their attributes, learning their praise songs, and how they long for you as much as you long for them. In my work with the ancestors, it often is asked, who are the ones who protect me from the troubled dead, who is it that guides me? This offering aims to help you connect with this larger power, the spirits of place where you currently reside, and how they connect with other elemental forces to bring harmony and reciprocity to all life. This is a course for everyone, for the curious, and for the ones who need more dedicated time with their people who are more seasoned ritualists.
I’ll be traveling
I’m emerging from post covid apocalypse cycles to teach in-person intensives. Before what happened to us all, my heart expanded at holding group rituals in person over several days across the US. And finally, I feel a bit more resourced to begin again.
1st stop is Albuquerque: there are still a few more spaces left here with me and several seasoned Ancestral Lineage Healing practitioners who will be your guide as you work with your elevated ones to bring wellness to your lineages. Click below to learn more.
Then I’ll be in several places in the UK, hosted by beautiful people and I hope that you will join us. We’ll be deeply woven in with our ancestors in Larbert Scotland for a residential retreat. You can find more information here
Be sure to reach out to me at shannon@redearthhealing.org if you have any questions, or if you would like me to hold a retreat near you.
monthly gatherings
ANCESTOR CIRCLE: Our monthly ancestor circle is Sunday, March 31st, 2024 from 3 pm-4:30 pm EDT. This circle is for those who are at any step in the Ancestral Lineage Healing approach developed by Dr. Daniel Foor. You can register here.
NEW MOON RITUAL: Our next New Moon, this will be a pink moon (hello Nick Drake) will be on Monday, April 8th, 2024 from 7 pm-8 pm EDT. (This is a free monthly offering to those who are paid subscribers, the link will go out the day of the event)
For now, I leave you with this:
You too can join the goodness if you’d like to subscribe. It goes a long way in helping me do all the things I do both while awake and mostly while working in my dreams.
My deep appreciation to you all for taking the time to be curious with me about pathways of the heart. May you all know my fondness for you is limitless.
New to me, I’d love to meet you. You can learn more about me here: