How the light gets in ...
March Monthly Digest filled with digestibles.. Offerings, Guided Meditations and more. .
There is a bell that rings, forget your perfect offering…
We are at the threshold of the Spring Equinox. Emergence, a palpable bell ringing in between the indecisive forces of nature at play, ambivalently winking at all our machinations, beckons the commitment of awakening. You may be asking, is it time to plant the seeds, will there be one last frost, and will it lay waste to the best-laid dreams I am initiating? Is it time? Am I prepared? Is everything perfect?
As we are in our first quarter of emergence we most gratefully welcome any supportive spirit to work with us who is skilled at opening pathways.
“Om Gam Ganpataye Namah”
Bowing down to the Almighty Ganaati with all our existence and accepting all his great qualities in our self-being.
Emergence (A meditation)
I invite you to a potent and tender imagining of walking through the threshold.
In these monthly imaginings, we hold the sacred intention of revealing something that has been previously unknown to us. Moving into the pathways of Curiosity, Compassion, and Courage, let us begin.
Take a moment, to settle in and gather your inner resources, whatever that may look like for you. It could be focusing on your breath, or it could be calling in your trusted powers and asking them to resource your space.
Imagine you are at the liminal threshold of the white door of new beginnings which is now slightly ajar with light piercing through the darkness. Notice how you feel looking at it. Looking at your hands, feet, and observing yourself, notice what you are feeling. Who is with you, supporting you? I like to often inquire, what is helpful for me to know about what I am experiencing? Ask your helping spirit who is supporting you, what is needed to support my life, to help me fully embody my gifts.
Notice as you lean into these gifts, the door opening wider, the light obscuring any known or unknown obstacle. Residing within the power of this light has the effect of the sun warming the ground so the seedlings below begin to sprout, like this, notice yourself sprouting. What other nutrients are needed in your life right now to cultivate this growth cycle?
Notice the places in your body that are receptive to this growth, notice the ones that are not, attuning further to growth, allow your breath to invite the places that feel stuck, or in darkness to receive this growth. Invite kind words, and listen to the small attenuating replies of why there might be resistance. Invite compassion, nonjudgement, curiosity, and courage to witness, and attend as a sacred ally to these parts. Here we are not trying to fix, simply allowing these tender parts of us to be seen and validated and offering our felt witnessing in solidarity that sometimes these cracks are also holy.
Allow for what is coming through. Stay with the practice until it feels complete for you, then ask your helping spirit to bring cleansing, levity, and agency where needed, and then bring your attention back to your present awareness and environment.
Journaling Prompt
Based upon the above experiential practice, what are the aspects of yourself that are in need of your witnessing? What is needed to invite growth and security? How can you put this into action?
Showing up for others and showing up for ourselves, how’s that going for you? I offer this reflection because sometimes it’s helpful to turn an intentional introspective eye toward our impact in the animate world. It is in this delicate place of the holy that we recalibrate connections that long for witnessing, profound listening, and healing.
Monthly Ancestral Healing Circle
Tomorrow (Sunday, February 26th, 3 pm Eastern) the opportunity to seek direct connection with your ancestors of blood and bone is available through the Monthly Online Ancestral Healing Circle. Those versed in the Ancestral Lineage Healing Method are welcome to attend. Click on the Image for details and registration.
Spring Equinox Immersion
Spring Equinox is upon us! In the Spiral of Life, Equinoxes are about the constant balance of life’s seeming dualities, where opposites meet on equal footing, providing us the opportunity to reconcile and restore this balance to the places and stories in our lives we inhabit. The exchange of light and dark, yin and yang, masculine and feminine energies follows the rhythms of the Earth, leaving our winter's slumber and emerging as a pathfinder to the wisdom of the coming season.
Through this liminal portal, we embark on the serpentine journey from death into life in the Spring. From this place, we endeavor to hone ritual equilibrium and receive support from ancient powers, and our ancestors who guide us on the path of the middle way, the place where equanimity reigns supreme, and where opposites abide within their differences.
We’ll meet on Sunday, March 19th from 11 am to 3 pm in expansive ritual to support this awakening. The Alchemy of Becoming follows the Spiral of Life, honoring solstice, equinox, and cross-quarter portals for seasonal initiations which allow us to compost what is necessary for us to live authentically, in balance with the animate world. (Click the image for registration information)
March New Moon Ritual
A potent circle for paid subscribers gathers monthly to connect our altars during the liminal portal of the New Moon, our biggest intentions laid upon the holy altar of the planetary alignments and the beings who preside over these lunations.
Ancestors Returned
Ensconced in the realm of the ancestors of blood and bone, actively tending to these potent pathways of healing, and holy belonging, I am forever changed. For the past 10 years of dedicated ritual tending, and being in touch with 26 blood lineages, there is richness, discernment, and resourcefulness that anchors life.
In a most profound way, the process has connected me with lineages from which I am returned, meaning, my current incarnation is not my first. A few years ago I extended my curiosity of what I was witnessing towards streams of blessings and burdens that also manifest in this lifetime that are not part of blood and bone, and through ritual exploration very clearly the revelation of other incarnate nonblood lineage ancestors emerged.
The healing has been profound, allowing me to have more clarity and sovereignty that exists outside the realm of my blood lineage kin. I better understand myself, where my gifts come from, and where the edges lie that were not answered through blood lineage veneration. And so, I would like for you to explore the benefits of tending and relational repair of the ancestral realms in which you have returned. You can explore more about the process and how to join below. (click on the image).
Each month in this section you’ll find the pathways that delight the senses. Those of you who have spent time with me know I am led by visual and auditory pursuits and I am happy to create a space here to share what has my current attention and is playing, often without my consent, in my head musically but has a deeper meaning.
Following the synchronicities of ancestral repair, I often suggest to my clients to extend their curiosity to their outer experiences after profound session work. Yesterday I had a rather large breakthrough on a lineage curse that had been profoundly impacting me. It comes from both a blood lineage burden and more significantly from a lineage in which I have returned, that is a nonblood lineage in nature. It is perhaps this life cycle that created my return to my current blood lineage. Afterward, a dear friend and I went to a small curated exhibit. And it was there, that nature nodded to me, that what I observed and witnessed in my healing was in earnest. Kara Walker’s exhibit entitled Back of Hand at the Athenaeum “examines themes of complicity, racism, misremembered histories, and violence that undergirds the legacy of the South” and seemingly upended the burden of servitude and invisibility that often has plagued several of my lifetimes. Her work is profound and I am grateful for her genius which so adeptly, through the expression of word and art, brings to light the unresolved trauma that exists in the liminal field of the ones who come before and the legacy of impact that resides in the collective.
I am grateful for my dear friend who prompted me to come out of my curated introverted cave nest of goodness to see even more goodness that exists out in the world and all for a most worthy cause of support for our local domestic violence program. And it was here that I was submerged in the sonic wall of double bases. I love to track the way muses inspire and imbue our world. There is truly evidence in the sacred all around. Here I want to bring attention to my favorite local duo. Cicada Rhythm. This dynamic duo embodies so many gifts including being farmsteads here locally and the source of my latest earworm, in Even in the Shallows (listen here)
"You can seal your fate even in the shallows” ~ Cicada Rhythm, Even in the Shallows
Words that slip off the tongue…
"Contrary to what we may have been taught to think, unnecessary and unchosen suffering wounds us but need not scar us for life. It does mark us. What we allow the mark of our suffering to become is in our own hands."
― "All About Love: New Visions" bell hooks
and let’s not forget Leonard Cohen
Forget your perfect offering, There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in. There is a crack in everything that you can put together: Physical objects, mental objects, constructions of any kind. But that’s where the light gets in, and that’s where the resurrection is and that’s where the return, that’s where the repentance is. It is with the confrontation, with the brokenness of things.